Friday, April 1, 2016

3 lies we need to stop telling ourselves

Happy Friday!

That's what I'm doing right now. I would be more energetic, but I'm super exhausted at the moment with putting in extra hours at work, classes, and homework. If you haven't treated yourself today, this is your sign to go do it. You survived the week, and that's a feat in and of itself. 
A little update of my life: it's getting better. I do have my sucky moments, but I'm slowly re-noticing the little moments again and cherishing those. Shout to someone who's been my rock with all the drama going on in my life: Courtney Post. Thank you for being such a great friend, amazing listener, and being patient with my antics and quirks. Love you, girl! 

My latest Odyssey article link: 20 Times "Parks and Recreation" Perfectly Describes College Students
Sometimes we lie to ourselves and we believe (most of) them. In most of the time, we don't realize we are. The sources of these lies are learned from family, friends, but the biggest culprit is society and the kind of world we live in. Am I saying to blame your friends and family? No, because they are likely doing it unintentionally and passing on what they've learned.
You have to this fabulous and flashy lifestyle.

No you don't. You are who you are, and you don't want that then awesome. Don't get me wrong, because for some they are content with this lifestyle. For others? Not so much. It's about you want and what makes you feel safe and comfortable and happy. If you are content with staying in and watching movies rather than going out to the bars, then you do you.
You have to look a certain way in order to be beautiful.

I can't even begin to explain how wrong this is. We typically learn this one from society and from idolizing celebrities and how they look. The expectations we have for they way men "should" look like is washboard abs, big biceps, strong jaw, etc. The expectations we have for how women "should" look like is flat tummy, big lips, curvy but not too curvy, etc. "Fuck you, society and anyone who tells me that I'm not beautiful. You don't get to tell us what is beautiful and what isn't."
You aren't enough.
WRONG. Dead wrong. Leave it to Maya Angelou to hit the nail on the head. This lie we learn from society. You make mistakes. You have regrets. You are not perfect. We all have darkness in us, but we also have light inside. Let light the shine through. If you have to prove anything to anyone, it should be to prove you are enough to yourself. We all have something that someone else needs. For someone you are not enough, but for someone else you, and just who are, are just want they need most. 

P.S. Pay close attention to the "Thought of the day".

Until next week,

Thought of the day

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