Saturday, September 19, 2015

Spontaneity is the spice of life

Happy Frid- Saturday!

Well, Grumpy Cat, you try working on weekends. Good? 
If you are a follower of my blog, then you would know that this post is a day late. My day yesterday didn't allow me the time to write my post for the week. Better late then never, right?
This was a stressful week. I had three exams this week: two on Tuesday and one on Thursday. 
I feel like my professors got together and planned it that way (not really, but the image is funny). Of the grades I do I know of, I did well on both my exams on Tuesday and I have yet to hear about the latest exam. Fingers crossed I did well.
Here is my latest The Odyssey Online article link
To be completely honest, I have clue what I'm going to write about in this post. An idea has suddenly came to mind and I'm just going to roll with it before I lose it.
A little preface to the topic: this is something I am actively trying to do more of because, if you know how I am, my brain is too analytical for my own good sometimes (re: all the time). I forget that saying, "spontaneity is the spice of life," 
I don't think I'm the only person who faces this issue. We, as a society, tend to get too caught up in our routines and planning our lives out that we forget to do anything spontaneously or just because. All actions are driven to profit or benefit us in some way or another. While that is an important observation to point out, it doesn't necessarily make it right or true.
In a previous post, I talked about how we are living in a fast-paced world where we want everything done and we want it done now. I won't go into detail about the reasons as to why I believe that, but I will say that we forget that saying, "Spontaneity is the spice of life." A possible reason we don't like spontaneity is because of the myth commonly assumed that it has to be big, grandeur gestures events or activity. A lesson I have learned from experience is that it rarely means big, showy gestures; instead, it, most of the time, means the smallest gestures or surprises means more. To quote a favorite TV show of mine, "It's the little things." Yes, big surprises or gestures are nice but are not idealistic for real life sometimes.
Spontaneity is one of those rare things that applies to every aspect of our lives: marriage, dating, friendships, work, family, children, and everything else.
Maybe, instead of planning an almost routine date night where you two go out to dinner and then a movie, you try something you both have never done before.
Maybe, instead of having a boring Sunday afternoon-in, go for a surprise day-trip some unknown destination or let your head do the directing for you rather than the GPS.
Maybe, instead of the weekly dinner with a college-friend, go out roller-skating.
Maybe, instead of the traditional family Thanksgiving food and activities, do something completely unrelated to Thanksgiving.
Maybe send flowers to your significant other just because or call your mom to just talk about anything or wish a stranger on the street a happy birthday.  
What people forget about being spontaneous is that it doesn't have to happen all the time or become routine; then it loses the fun and a little surprise aspect. And maybe we forget to be spontaneous because it is not a part of a routine. That's a valid reason, not to be confused with the word "excuse". Maybe make it a goal to be more spontaneous .

 Reasons to be more spontaneous: fun, easy, and inexpensive.

Until next Friday,

Thought of the day

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