Happy Labor Day Weekend!
Image url: http://www.labor-day-images.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/labor-day-funny-jokes-2.jpg |
For the day job slave drivers: you made it through another work week. For most college students: you made it through the second week of the semester (only 14 more to go!) For retired folk: you made it through another week of doing whatever the hell you want.
In my last post, I mentioned a great writing opportunity with the Odyssey @ UNI. Also I mentioned I applied and waited to hear back. And I have heard back.
I am now a published writer with the Odyssey @ UNI!
http://www.orchidrecoverycenter.com/wp-content/uploads/53.gif |
That gif does not do justice to my reaction to this news. When I found out, my day was going about as well as a fish's attempt to climb a tree or in other words it was a definite struggle bus day. But when I found out I got the position as writer with UNI's chapter of The Odyssey, it literally made my day. That doesn't mean I didn't have any more struggles or challenges; it meant that when those struggles happened, I remembered "You are a writer for the Odyssey @ UNI." Yay for progress!
Here's the links to the two articles that are published: Dear Freshmen, Sincerely: Someone Who Knows and 5 Reasons to Visit the Rod Library.
But, Melissa, since you are writing for The Odyssey @ UNI, will you still keep writing blog posts?
Answer: have no fear! I will keep blogging. Like I said when I first started this blog in May, this is where I get to writing about my personal life and whatever I want to. I don't feel guilty talking about my personal life.
http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_maxh0lJsu41rr6ht5.gif |
Now onto the post topic. Today, there is a growing population of college students (myself included) experiencing anxiety, stress, depression, and the like. In 2014 article from the Iowa Center for Public Affairs, it states from a 2013 survey showed 14.6 percent of UNI students received services, and the national average is 15.6 percent; UNI students ever diagnosed with depression is the same national percentage at 18.6 percent.
Recently a professor confided in me that many students are experiencing/suffering from anxiety and related topics. This really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Why? We are putting an extreme amount of pressure on students in this day in age.
Students are expected to do all the readings, write all the (sometimes) pointless papers, study for that comprehensive final, and participate in that group project where there is only one person doing all the work for (generally) five classes.
Oh! And students are expected to get involved in many organizations which require about three hours a week.*
Anybody feeling stressed just reading that? I do.
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*Not including: making the time to hang out with friends, making the time to check in with parents or siblings, if the students want to get A's or their definition of good grades, working to pay what financial aid didn't cover, or if the students are questioning if the major they declared is right for them anymore.
Um, Melissa, don't they have to learn how to manage their time?
Yes, they do. But when everything is overwhelming to the point of them going back to their dorm room after class and crying because they feel so alone and stressed, there is clearly something else going on.
And if you don't agree with me, then I guess you are entitled to own opinion, however wrong it is.
Not only is anxiety and depression is affecting students, but also the faculty including professors, instructors, and so on.
As someone who suffers from anxiety, here are some options for those who are scared out their minds.
*Talk to a trusted friend, mentor, professor, etc. Let them know what's going (not many people have the ability to read minds).
*Make an appointment with your on-campus health center. Be proactive!
*Let your professors know about your anxiety. Most of the time, the professors are understanding and will likely help you in any way they can.
*Find a cheesy saying or quote to repeat to yourself when you are feeling stressed. (Trust me on this one. It's something I'm working on.)
*Plan out your weeks. Make time to study, eat, shower, got to class, do homework. Set aside an hour or two a week to take a break from life.
Until next Friday,
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Thought of the Day
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